75 year old woman with Renal pathology since 5 yrs, gluteal abscess -6 yrs ago with recent GE & Oliguria

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/ her /guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Here is a case I've seen:

A 75 year old female who's a farmer by occupation, a resident of a village nearby, presented to the hospital 5 days back with chief complaints of decreased urine output a/w burning micturition since 15 days and  SOB since 7 days.


The patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back,then she noticed decrease in her urine output a/w burning micturition.
10 days back, she had epigastric pain a/w Vomitings(2-3 episodes/day,  nonbilious,not bloodstained) and loose stools (3-4 episodes/day,non blood stained) for 2 days.Then she developed severe SOB with orthopnea since 7 days, progressive in nature,not a/w PND. no h/o fever,cough.
         She developed mild abdominal distension since 2days with diffuse tenderness, more in RUQ,not passing stools from 6 days.
H/o altered sensorium (hypoactive and drowsy) on the day of admission.
No H/o syncopal attacks,joint pains

The patient was started on Haemodialysis on 22/7/20.

She has undergone dialysis for 3 times now: 
1st on 22/7/20
2nd on 23/7/20
3rd on 26/7/20
On 26/7/20,she came back to ICU after dialysis at 10:30 am. At around 11:30am ,she complained of severe SOB and left sided chestpain around 12pm. 
                  IV Labetalol 15mg bolus was given stat. She was also hypoglycemic (GRBS-50mg/dl) for which 25-D 100ml bolus was given. ECG showed Tachyarrythmias with Anteroseptal MI. NIV with BiPAP was given,after which her O2 saturations raised gradually from 65% -70%-85%-95%. Pt. recovered in few hours.

4th dialysis on 28/7/20
5th on 29/7/20
In the mrng,she was tachypneic(RR 45) with severe SOB,tachycardia....chest x-ray showed pulmonary edema.Ipravent nebulisation and BiPAP were given along with 80 mg lasix.  pt. was made to lie down in prone position for alveolar recruitment. Saturations were fluctuating..BP 150/100mmhg. Sent for dialysis after an hour.she returned to ICU at 6:30pm. BP 140/100mmhg,RR 31cpm..her symptoms subsided post dialysis around 7pm.

Past history

Pt. Underwent 'Incision and Drainage' at our hospital  for gluteal abscess that spontaneously developed 6 yrs back,was treated with antibiotics and NSAIDS.

K/c/o HTN since 5years on Tab. Telma 40 mg;
          DM 2 since 5yrs on Tab. Glimy M1
K/c/o CKD since 5yrs on conservative management. The lady developed fever with pedal edema and facial puffiness 5yrs back which subsided on using medication prescribed by a local physician.Lab Inv. revealed mildly elevated creatinine levels & usg showed grade 1 RPD changes.she was incidentally found to be hypertensive & type 2 diabetic and was put on medication for the past 5 years. She was asymptomatic during this period of 5years. She stopped working in fields since then.
No H/O TB, asthma, epilepsy,jaundice,CHD
NO H/O Blood transfusion 

Personal history

Diet: mixed
Sleep: inadequate
Bladder movements: decreased urine output
Bowel: not passing stools regularly
Addictions: none

Menstrual hx: insignificant
Marital hx: married at the age of 15 yrs,has 7 children (2 sons and 5 daughters)
Lives with husband,younger son, youngest daughter & their kids.

Family history

No similar history in the family

Drug history

Not allergic to any known drug

General Examination:

Pt.  is conscious, coherent and cooperative
Moderately built and moderately nourished.

Pallor + 
No signs of  icterus, Cyanosis,clubbing,koilonychia,generalised lymphadenopathy, pedal edema

Temp- afebrile
BP - 130/80 mmhg,right arm,supine position
PR- 86bpm,regular rate& rhythm,normal in volume
RR- 22 cpm
SpO2 - 88% on 12 Lt of O2
GRBS- 154 mg/dl

Systemic Examination:

Per abdomen 

Shape- obese,distended
Umbilicus- central
All quadrants are moving equally with respiration
No scars,sinuses,engorged veins
Hernial orifices- free
Multiple hyperpigmented cutaneous lesions seen on left side of abdomen,right inguinal region,neck and both legs.


No local rise of Temperature
Diffuse tenderness in all quadrants (>in RUQ)
Liver and spleen- not palpable

Tympanic note

Auscultation: bowel sounds are heard

Respiratory system

Chest shape - normal
Bilaterally symmetrical movements with respiration
Trachea- central

Grade 4 SOB ,Orthopnea present

Burn scar- on left breast, 1st degree burn,2yrs back due to hot water

Palpation: no local rise of temperature,no tenderness,equal movements with respiration,trachea is central

Percussion: resonant note 

Auscultation: BLAE present,
 B/L coarse end-inspiratory crepts in all areas

Cardiovascular system

S1 S2 heard,no murmurs


Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative; 

well oriented to time, place and person. 

Hypoactive and drowsy on the day of admission.

Speech - normal 

No signs of meningeal irritation 

Higher mental functions- normal

cranial nerves- intact 

motor system- normal

sensory system - normal

Reflexes  : 

                           Right                   Left 

Biceps                +2                        +2 

Triceps               +2                        +2

Supinator           +2                       +2

Knee                  +2                        +2

Ankle                 +2                        +2

Plantar          Flexor                     Flexor 

Based on the clinical findings, the following investigations were advised-

USG Abdomen
Chest X-ray


                                 Day 1
Day 3
                              Day 2
Before admission
Day 1
Day 2


Day 1
Day 8

Day 1

Blood grouping



Day 1
Day 4
Day 5

Day 6

 Day 7  7:00am
Day 8

Day 9

Chest x-ray

Day 1

Day 2

Day 4
Day 8


Pre-renal Acute Kidney Injury 2° to Gastroenteritis (resolved) on CKD-5 started on Haemodialysis 
With Anteroseptal MI 
K/C/O DM type 2, HTN


1. Head end elevation
5. T. ECOSPIRIN 75mg 
6. T.ATORVAS 40mg H/S
9.GRBS 6th hourly
10. Oxygenation to maintain at SpO2>90%
11. Intermittent BiPAP every 2hours
12. Maintainance Haemodialysis


  1. Excellent blog.

    What caused the Gastroenteritis? Or was it secondary to Uremia ?

    What is the cause of her CKD ?

    What was the rationale to pick Piptaz in this patient - knowing that it is notorious for its nephrotoxicity ?


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